Mellow Music For A Monday Morning Drive To Harrisburg

Last night, I had a wonderful time cooking fried chicken over the stove top and grilling hot dogs, brats and s'mores on the grill. As we got deeper into the night and the mood mellowed, so did the song choices.

While looking for some solid mellow music, I stumbled across one of my favorite artists and albums: Jack Johnson's On & On. I was introduced to the album my freshman year by one of my close friends Calla, who helped me broaden my musical horizons while also giving me a soundtrack to relax to. Since then, I love mellow music. At times, it gets me through the day.

So, the following playlist will try to keep me on an even keel as I drive from Carbondale to Harrisburg.
  1. Times Like These**
  2. The Horizon Has Been Defeated**
  3. Traffic In The Sky**
  4. Taylor**
  5. Gone**
  6. Your Body Is A Wonderland***
  7. Daughters***
  8. Gravity***
  9. Slow Dancing In A Burning Room***
  10. Dreaming With A Broken Hear***
  11. My Stupid Mouth***
  12. I'm Gonna Find Another You***
  13. Waiting On The World To Change***
  14. Laid****
  15. Come On Get Higher****
Playlist Time: 52 minutes 04 seconds

** Denotes song by Jack Johnson
*** Denotes song by John Mayer
**** Denotes song by Matt Nathanson


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