The Best Survey/Note I've Ever Done

I originally posted this on Facebook.  This is a survey unlike any one I've ever done before, which is cool ... but also very nerdy.

1. What bill do you hate paying the most? Rent. It's the one that takes the most out of my paycheck.

2. Where was the last place you had a romantic dinner? Sad but true: I haven't had a romantic dinner since the summer of 2006. Dusty Baker managed the Cubs. Milton Bradley played for the A's. And Derrick Rose was playing for Simeon High School at the age of 17.

3. What do you really want to be doing right now?
Playing Madden '10. I'm hooked.

4. How many colleges did you attend?
One. THE Southern Illinois University.

5. Why did you choose the shirt that you have on right now?
It's black and it was going to rain and be a little cooler than it was yesterday.

6. What are your thoughts on gas prices?
Gas in southern Illinois ranges from $2.36 to $2.45. Not great, but it's OK.

7. First thought when the alarm went off this morning?
I woke up in a panic asking myself "where's my phone?"

8. Last thought before going to sleep last night?
Honestly? The last thing I was thinking about before bed was me questioning what I'm doing with my life.

9. Do you miss being a child?
Only the innocence and lack of responsibility. (co-sign via Chris Thoms)

10. What errand/chore do you despise?
Cleaning the bathroom. It's a pain in the ass!

11. Get up early or sleep in?
Neither. I like getting up at a reasonable hour. Not too early. Not too late.

12. Have you found real love yet?
No. In fact, oftentimes I question the idea of real love. It's like what Chris Rock said about soul mates, "There's no such thing as a soul mate. You're lucky if you get a mate."

13. Favorite lunch meat?
Cajun turkey FTW!

14. What do you get every time you go into Wal-Mart?
The 8-pack of Reese's cups for a buck. Then I put 'em in the freezer.

15. Beach or lake?
Gimme the beach at Lake Michigan!

16. Do you think marriage is an outdated ritual?
Unfortunately. Marriage isn't sacred any more. Sad but true. I know people will ride my behind on this one, but when your marriage can be a must-see-tv primetime special, there is nothing sacred about that.

17. Sopranos or Desperate Housewives?

18. What famous person would you like to have dinner with?
The jokester in me says PacMan Jones because I know it'd be at a classy place like the local gentleman's club. The realist in me wants to have dinner with Barack Obama. It would mark the first time I've ever talked to a White Sox fan with a brain. True story.

19. Have you ever crashed your vehicle?
Once. It wasn't my fault though, I got clipped by a guy speeding out of an alley. Crashed on a curb on the South Side, narrowly missing a tree.

20. Ever use a fire extinguisher for its intended purpose?
Kind of. We tried to put out a fire started at the Turkey Hustle.

21. Ring tone(s)?
Only a handful of people have a ring tone. One of them is Stile, who is lucky enough to have "Get Silly" play when he calls.

22. Strangest place you have ever brushed your teeth?
In the back seat of a car.

23. Somewhere in California you've never been and would like to go?
San Diego. I hear it has beautiful weather and beautiful women. That's all I really need -- even though their baseball team sucks. At least the Chargers are OK.

23. Do you go to church?
Not enough. Only for Christmas and Easter.

24. At this point in your life would you rather start a new career or a new relationship?
Relationship. I've got a career.

25. How old are you?

26. Do you have a go-to person?
I've got a few. Some in Carbondale. Most of them are in Chicago, though. I'd name names, but I know they know who they are.

27. Are you where you want to be in life?
Nope. But I'm living, so that's a good thing. I'll take that trade-off.

28. Growing up, what were your favorite cartoons?
The Simpsons. Darkwing Duck. Anamaniacs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

29. What about you do you think has changed the most?
I've become very critical of people, and overall, I'm very cynical and snarky. It's a stark change from the happy-go-lucky 24-7 guy I once was. I like to think I'm a realist.

30. Looking back at high school were they the best years of your life?
No. As much as I loved my time at Lane Tech, nothing might ever compare to my five years as a Saluki.

31. Are there times you still feel like a kid?
Oh yeah. Those are the best times.

32. Did you ever own troll dolls?

33. Did you have a pager?
No, but I wanted one. I was jealous of those of you that did.

34. Where was the hang-out spot when you were a teenager?
My basement. Tony's house. Mike's house.

35. Were you the type of kid you would want your children to hang out with?
Yeah. I'm kind of the voice of reason to a fault. I like to provide both sides to an equation ... which usually ends up with both sides of said equation being mad at me. Oh well -- what are ya gonna do?


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