Kanye West-Taylor Swift Collaboration Would Put An End To The Drama, Right?

Every blog and social networking service is still buzzing about the Kanye West-Taylor Swift story as "Kanye West" and "Taylor Swift" ranks second and fourth in Twitter's Trending Topics today.  West apologized via his Web site after the affair and did so again on Monday night during Jay Leno's show.

I'm sure this will not suffice fans in Swift's camp, who are taking to Swift's cause as if she was running for U.S. President.  Heck, she might receive a good chunk of votes, you know, if the youth actually got off their butts and voted.

But there is one more step Mr. West needs to take to close the door on this fiasco and make it come full circle.

A collabo.  Seriously.  The buzz this has created has undoubtedly helped MTV become relevant again.  Why can't Swift capitalize/profit on the moment?

That's right, a one-for-one collaboration deal would probably put this mess to rest.  We've already seen one odd T-Swizzle collab, why not make it two for 2009?  If I was 'Ye, I'd offer to produce her next track.  Is she a country singer?  Kind of.  It's honestly more pop than country, and it's not like we haven't seen country and hip-hop cross paths before.  Also, Yeezy should have her sing vocals on a track that will be on his next CD.

And for Swift, that might be a career-maker, knowing that every one of Kanye's albums has been a five-star masterpiece.  Yes, even the much-maligned 808s & Heartbreaks.  What would be the harm in attaching your name to another grade-A piece of work?

So, let's make this happen and turn the page on this chapter of our lives.  There are more important things to get your feathers ruffled -- like Brian Urlacher being out for the year.


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