Actual Texts From Last Night: Just Call It Hall-O-Weird

Editor's Note: I really hope this becomes a recurring feature because I get some of the most entertaining text messages.  I really do.  However, none have been accepted to go on the renowned site  So rather than wait for their "acceptance" I figured I'd post them here -- but with fake area codes to protect the innocent.

Hilarity after the jump.

(773) Slutty cops everrrrrrywhere!

(708) My girlfriend is the only girl at this party not dressed like a slut on Halloween. FML.

(312) Slutty randy moss told me she only catches balls when she wants. I think that was her way of telling me she wasn't intersted.

(773) Creeped out by old dude taking pics of girls w/disposable camera
(314) Please tell me you're not at a Miley Cyrus concert

(773) Want a scary costume idea? How about the post-graduation debt incurred...

(773) Just watched a guy with a Carlos Zambrano jersey punch another guy. Rumor has it that guy was dressed as Michael Barrett.
(630) Someone took their costume a little too seriously.

(773) 3 girls dressed in nothing but caution tape. Guess who's staying away from them...

(847) Sorry, I couldn't make the trip this weekend. Maybe some other time.
(773) It's OK. Just saw a whore grind on a teletubby. Life is good.
(847) Damn I miss Carbondale.

(773) Two basketball players just started a "S-I-U, S-I-U" chant at the bar. This is EPIC!
(618) Unless they dress up as a national championship team, I don't give a fuck.

(773) Scary costume idea No. 2: Maury Povich saying that you ARE the father!

(773) So im walking behind a guy wearin a white plaxico shirt like uhad!

(847) Halloween isnt fun when u go out with your girlfriend

(773) You shouda came out
(1-773) I am out
(773) I'm jealous. How is it?
(1-773) Um I saw a slutty u think it was?
(773) I repeat: i'm jealous


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